Why is My Puppy Crying??
It depends on the puppy. I’ll give my tips on what to do to stop the crying so hopefully you and your puppy will be getting a good night’s sleep sooner rather than later!
I prefer to use an indoor kennel/crate for all puppies. This will keep your puppy safe and out of trouble when you can’t supervise such as while you’re sleeping. I’m not here to convince you to use a crate if you don’t want to, but it can make life easier.
Puppy Cries In Crate When I Leave The Room
Nearly all puppies will cry, bark, whine and howl the first night home, unfortunately. They will bark that first night or two in their crate, but after that it gets better.
If at all possible, I recommend bringing your puppy home on a Friday or Saturday or on a day when you don’t have to work the next few mornings.
The crying and howling is heartbreaking and stressful to listen to but unfortunately it’s totally normal. It’s rare for a puppy not to cry that first night home!
How Long Will A Puppy Cry At Night?
My 8-week-old weimaraner puppy Remy howled and cried almost non-stop for the entire first night home. I assume the poor guy missed his mom and siblings or just the familiarity and comfort of his original home.
He thought his little world was turned upside down, which I guess it was!

As hard as it was, I ignored my puppy Remy the entire first night. I did not comfort him, though I wanted to, nor did I allow him in my bed. I did not scold him, and I did not let him out for a potty break, although some puppies will need a 2 a.m. potty break (more on this later).
My puppy was in his kennel from about 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.
Why Do Puppies Cry At Night
Your puppy might cry the entire night or he might only cry for an hour or so until he passes out. They are all different!
Some puppies whimper softly and some scream and carry on like they’re being harmed!
Remy cried the entire first night (nonstop for 7 hours) and then he didn’t make a peep the second night because he was so tired!
*If you’re enjoying this article, I’d love to send you other helpful puppy tips in my weekly newsletter. Click Here

How To Stop A Dog Whining At Night
Remember, almost all puppies cry the first few nights so you probably won’t be able to STOP the crying. These ideas should help decrease the crying and help your puppy adjust faster to the new routine.
You should pick and choose what might work well for your situation.
What to Do When Your New Puppy is Crying at Night in Their Crate – 4 tips

1. Make the Puppy’s Kennel/Crate as Comforting as Possible.
- Use a crate for your puppy’s comfy, safe place. You can use a fold-up wire crate or a plastic kennel.
- Consider keeping the kennel in your bedroom next to your bed the first few nights. This is somewhat comforting to some puppies. You can drop your hand next to the crate those first few nights so the puppy can smell you. You can move the crate to another room in a week or so if you choose to.
- When you pick your puppy up from the breeder or shelter, bring a small towel and put it with the puppy and her siblings for a few minutes to get their scent on it. Put that towel in your puppy’s crate.
- Put a soft, comforting puppy blanket in your puppy’s kennel and a soft toy.
- Try a heartbeat toy. Similar to the old trick of a ticking clock in a pillow case to mimic a “heartbeat.” This toy is also heated.

- Put chew toys in the kennel like bully sticks and Kongs.
- Feed your puppy her meals in her kennel.
- Put your puppy in her kennel for at least a few minutes (keep it fun and positive) during the first day home so it’s not a complete shock the first night. We actually put Remy in his kennel right after we first brought him home and he took a quiet nap. Good puppy!
Read all my puppy kennel training tips here.
2. Questions to Ask Your Puppy’s Breeder or Shelter:
- Can you introduce the puppy to a crate so they’re somewhat used to it?
- Ask the breeder or shelter for other suggestions – they are likely experienced in this!
3. Ignore Your Puppy’s Whining.
- Ignore the crying! Very important.
- Accept that you won’t get much sleep the first night or two.
- Wear ear plugs.
- Don’t feel guilty. Puppies typically adapt quickly.
- Apologize to any neighbors, roommates or whoever else might be bothered by the crying.
- Know that it will get better! The second night will likely be easier than the first night.
*If you just got a new puppy, download my free puppy training guide. Click Here

4. Plenty of Interaction Throughout the Day for Your Puppy.
- Limit the time in the kennel during the day but use it for a few minutes to help her get used to it.
- Plenty of interaction, training, exercise, love and play during the day of course.
See our post: How far can I walk my puppy?
Do Puppies Need a Potty Break in the Middle of the Night?

This also depends on the puppy. I would ask your puppy’s breeder for his or her opinion based on the age and breed of your puppy. Breed-specific rescue groups or experienced shelter workers also have a lot of knowledge.
After consulting with my puppy’s breeder and the owners of other larger breeds, I decided my 8-week-old weimaraner puppy could hold it for 7 hours at night. This turned out to be true.
He never had an accident in his kennel. I would let him out at about 10 p.m. before I went to bed and then at 5 a.m. when I got up.
See my article: Puppy’s first night
Puppies can Hold it a Little Longer at Night While They aAre Sleeping
One rule of thumb I hear repeated online is a puppy can hold it a little longer than one hour per month of age. However, most puppies can hold it longer than that at night.
It’s better to stay up a bit later than you’d like and to get up a bit earlier than you would prefer just so you can limit the habit of going to your puppy in the middle of the night.
You want to teach him to sleep through the night as quickly as possible.
If you think your puppy needs a potty break in the middle of the night, do your best to go to the puppy when he’s quiet.
I recommend setting your alarm for 2:30 or 3. That way you are deciding this, not him. You probably won’t need to do this for more than the first two weeks or so, but every puppy is different.

If your puppy seems to be howling literally nonstop, then try to at least wait for him to be quiet for 5 seconds. Take him directly outside (no playing, no attention) and then back in the crate.
He’ll probably cry again, so just be a “mean” dog mom or dad and ignore him.
You don’t want to start the habit of going to him every time he cries/howls. Puppies are little devils and they learn very quickly that barking will get them what they want (attention).
So do your best to ignore all crying and only go to your puppy when he’s quiet. Easier said than done, but it’s very important or you’ll create a monster!
So, how long do puppies cry at night? …
How Long Do Puppies Cry? Here’s How it Went with my 8-Week Old Weimaraner:
Night #1: Remy cried nonstop from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. or so. The crate was in our living room. I think having it in our bedroom might’ve helped.
Night #2: Not a peep! I think he was exhausted!
Night #3: About 2 hours of crying. I think we had moved the crate to our bedroom for a few nights by night #3.
Night #4: No more night crying. Woo hoo!
We moved the crate back to the living room after a few nights because we sleep better in general without our pets in our bedroom. It’s fine if you want your puppy to sleep in your bedroom if that’s what you prefer.
Now, getting our puppy to stop crying at 5 a.m. because he wanted to start his day was another challenge. Remy had a bad habit of crying every morning because wanted to get up and eat! This seems to be a common problem with puppies and young dogs.
For that issue, see my post: How to get your puppy to sleep in.

Why Do Puppies Cry at Night?
When your puppy is crying that first night home, it’s typically because he’s lost that comfort of having his mom and littermates right there with him. His routine is off and his whole world is turned upside down!
How To Deal With A Puppy With Separation Anxiety
Your puppy is crying due to a bit of anxiety and confusion, but it does not take long for the puppy to adapt to the new routine if you follow some of the tips in this article.
It really is important to just let the puppy work through the change, and you’ll have an adapted, happy little puppy within just a few nights.
Your puppy could also be crying because she has to go potty or she’s hungry or just wants attention or play time.
You’ll begin to figure your puppy out and recognize when she truly needs to go potty or when she’s just hoping to get you up for some playtime!
Should I Let My Puppy Sleep in my Bed?
This is your choice, however I do not recommend it at least for the first 6 months.
If you train your puppy to sleep in her crate at night, you are building a confident, well-adapted puppy. She will be less likely to develop separation anxiety. You are also helping her with potty training because she is unlikely to go potty in her crate.
I know that many people do want their dogs to sleep on the bed with them. If that is the case with you, I recommend you wait until your puppy is fully potty trained before allowing her to sleep in your bed at night.
Think of it as a privilege your young dog will need to earn. Another option is to eventually allow her to sleep out of the crate but on her own dog bed.
See these posts:
Alternatives to a Kennel/Crate
Using a pet gate
If you do not like the idea of using a crate or kennel for your puppy, there are a few other options to consider.
You could put up a simple baby or pet gate in your bathroom or laundry room doorway to keep your puppy to a smaller area. The reason I like a crate better than a gate is because a crate is a smaller area so the puppy is less likely to go potty in a kennel.
Ex-pen or play pen
Some people are more comfortable using an “ex-pen” or play pen for a puppy vs. a crate. While I don’t prefer this option, it’s better than nothing because you’re still keeping your puppy to a confined area.
Puppy Crying After Shots
Some puppies might cry and whimper a bit in the hours after they’ve received their vaccinations. This is usually because they might feel a little sore or slightly “off” from the vaccine.
This is usually nothing to worry about, however make sure to call the vet if your puppy is overly lethargic, not eating or drinking or starts having a cough, runny nose or upset stomach.
Puppy Crying While Eating
Puppies normally don’t cry when they eat, although you might hear some excited grunting while they’re eating! See: How to teach my puppy to wait for his food.
Some will also whine with excitement and anticipation as you get their food ready. This is because the puppy is hungry or just excited to eat!
If your puppy cries when he eats, it is worth a call to the vet if this is something that continues every meal or if your puppy lets out a sharp yelp or cry vs. soft whining.
More than likely, it’s nothing. But it’s possible your puppy has an injury in her mouth.
Have you raised a puppy? What did you do to stop your puppy’s crying at night?
Let me know in the comments! Please share this post with anyone who recently got a puppy.
*If you just got a new puppy, download my free puppy training guide. Click Here
Products to Help Comfort your Puppy
This stuffed toy features a real-feel, pulsing heartbeat and heat source that works to calm your pup and reduce negative behaviors such as barking and whining. Batteries included.
2. Kong toys.
Stuff with your puppies favorite goodies – peanut butter, yogurt, treats. Freeze to make it last longer. Get yours here.
3. Fold-up wire crate.
So convenient when you want to travel with your puppy/dog later. Easy to fold up and place in your car or fold-up when not in use.
Other resources:
- Why is my puppy so wild at night?
- Where should my new puppy sleep?
- Kennel training to prevent your dog from destroying your stuff
- How to stop your dog from whining for attention
- How to stop your dog from crying all day
Lindsay Stordahl is the founder of That Mutt. She writes about dog training, dog exercise and feeding a healthy raw diet.
Jo Archer
Thursday 16th of November 2023
I was so lucky! I brought Bonnie home when she was 12 weeks old, but I had visited almost every weekend from when she and her littermates were born so they knew me. When I brought her home, that first night I put her in her kennel which was next to my bed. She went right to sleep and didn't make a sound all night. When I heard her rustling around at 6:30 the next morning I put her in my bed next to me and we both slept for another hour. When she began to stir, I took her outside. This was our routine for quite a while and she never cried at night. After two months, she slept longer and I was ready to get up and take her out when she woke up. After that she slept in her crate all night. I think the fact that she knew me before I brought her home was the main reason she was comfortable that first night even though I had not chosen her from her littermates until the week before bringing her home.
Thursday 16th of November 2023
I recently received a mixed breed dog that is part Labrador. She was about 4 months old when she was given to me. Sadly, her entire family was dumped. Fortunately, the family was found and cared for. My Queenie cried the whole time she rode home with me. I knew she was the first to leave her mother and the rest of the litter. She would cry and whimper for a while and quit. Her crying got better as time went along. She is about 6 months old now and every now and then she will whine when she is playing with the toys, she inherited from the other dogs I have had in the past. She whines for only a few seconds and quits. She cried the first time I had to leave her alone. The 2nd time I had to leave her I waited a few minutes outside with the door still closed to see if she would cry. When she cried, I told her to quit and when she quit, I waited a few more minutes and she did not cry any more.
Thursday 3rd of June 2021
First of all thank you for the great advice. Me and my husband got a 6 week old doberman puppy yesterday. He’s been sleeping all night& day. We decided to keep him in his crate from the very beginning. On the first night he cried 2 times, surprised my husband with big poop& urine. On the second night surprised with with even greater poop. I was shocked. We’ve been feeding him for total 245g of royal canin maxi starter for day, splitting into 4 times. I didn’t have a heart to let him cry ,so we woke up comforted, cleaned his crate. Let him sleep on our laps, and put him back into his crate.
Please advice whether am i creating crying howling monster. This dude loves to bite when he’s anxious, has this cute exclusive scent. Poops a lot, pees on pampers, sometimes on designated floor. Took us as his littermates (we hope). Hates walking on concrete floor(outside) Refusing to walk outside just sits and calls for us. He just passed a gas while sleeping on my lap.
Lindsay Stordahl
Thursday 3rd of June 2021
It sounds like he still needs a bathroom break in the middle of the night. Does it seem like he whines before he poops in his crate? Take him out for a quick bathroom break if you hear him, and then back in the kennel.
Thursday 14th of January 2021
My puppy is now 10 weeks and I’ve had her since she was 8 weeks old. We tried the crate for a few nights & she absolutely hated it, I tired everything I could using it as a positive, giving her a little treat if she just stumbled into it in the day but it caused her so much distress we decided to take it away. Now we’re happy to leave her in our living room in her little bed, but even after 2 weeks she still cries when I go to bed for at least an hour. Even during the day time if I leave the room she has to follow me, even to the toilet!! I’m worried she’s got separation anxiety but I don’t know how to make it better. Any comments would really help!
Wednesday 20th of October 2021
@Dan, @kay, I am as well. Please help!
Tuesday 6th of July 2021
@Kay, I am going through this exact same thing right now. Did your situation resolve?
Friday 25th of October 2019
I have adopted a 4 week stray pup and the first night was awful for me, no matter what I did he won't stop crying. The best solution was to let him cry and pat him once in a while. If he keeps on crying then I just let him. He eventually tires himself to sleep.