I’m really hoping to get a 2nd dog in 2016, a puppy or young dog to be a running buddy.
My husband and I have been researching all our options for the last 5 months.
I’ve been in touch with breeders. I’ve applied through several breed-specific rescue groups. We’ve thought about shelters and even Craigslist.
I have to say, the process is frustrating.
I knew it would be hard, but I guess I was hoping to be surprised.
Simply, breed-specific rescue organizations will NOT adopt out a dog to us.
They are free to make their own choices, of course. They are independent groups.
But it’s still hard to face rejection, especially as a successful self-employed person who works professionally with dogs.

There are multiple reasons why we are rejected from adopting a dog time after time. The most common reason is because rescue groups call landlords to ask if cats are allowed, and we are not willing to announce to our landlord we have two cats. Read my story here.
The good news, though, is that I’m a volunteer for a wonderful Labrador-focused rescue group that is not so picky.
The group is thrilled to have us as a foster home from time to time (remember Lana?), and we are welcome to adopt from the group when we’re ready. It seems to be the only rescue group that will approve us.
Here’s a direct quote from one of its volunteers: “We are not the landlord police.”
I’m always scoping out this organization’s dogs, waiting for the right match for our family. We’re always eyeing the German shepherd mixes that come through. There is no shortage.
Working with a breeder
I’ve also been in touch with a Weimaraner breeder, and we have been approved for a puppy from a future litter, most likely in May or June.
Like the rescue groups, this breeder had me go through an extensive approval process that involved questions about my lifestyle and how on earth I will provide enough exercise for such an active breed in an apartment.
This breeder listened to me and saw that I am a true runner (is 15 miles a day enough for ya?) and will be active with my dog, regularly attending training classes, hiking, visiting the beach, taking my dog everywhere.
She is not concerned I have two cats. “Generally the cat will lay down the law.”
I’m excited she believes I will provide a good home. I’ll be in for a wild ride with a Weim, I know.
Breeders vs. rescue groups
I wanted to write this post now because I don’t want anyone to be shocked I’m working with a breeder.
The thing is, a true dog lover appreciates good rescue groups, but she also appreciates good breeders. I will work with both throughout my life with dogs.
Still, it’s no easy choice for me to consider buying a puppy. That’s why we’re taking our time and moving forward wisely.
We have not made our decision on where to get a dog and are still considering other breeders and shelters. We do not need advice on where to get our dog.
Obtaining a dog in any way should always be done carefully. It is not black and white. No one should ever feel guilty about obtaining a dog responsibly.
I wanted to write this post months ago but didn’t want to get ahead of myself. We aren’t bringing a dog home for a couple of months yet, maybe longer.
I’m just really excited and couldn’t wait any longer to tell you some details!
Are any of you thinking about adding another pet to your family?
How did you decide where you got your last pet?
Related articles:
Reasons to buy a dog vs. rescue a dog – ThatMutt.com
Dog breeders vs. rescue groups – Interview with breeder Tegan Whalan
How shelters failed when I tried to adopt my first dog – ThatMutt.com
Sunday 13th of March 2016
This is a great article. I have experienced the exact same thing. I re-homed my last dog after realizing I was trying to force a square peg into a circle hole. While I don't regret my decision, it was very painful and it forced me to be completely honest with myself about the type of dog I want and need for a successful companionship. I did my due diligence in visiting the local and surrounding shelters looking for pups that aligned with my preferences. I was also rejected by two rescue groups. In the end I found a breeder for a Cava-poo-chon. While I would have loved to adopt another dog (and another pit), I didn't want to adopt the WRONG dog just for the bragging rights. And ultimately, I think that's why some people turn to breeders. Because sometimes the dog you need is not among those up for adoption, and sometimes your preferences are non-negotiable. I never want to re-home a dog ever again. Going to a breeder is one way to help ensure I get as close to my perfect match as possible.
Our New Puppy - Choosing to Buy A Weimaraner Dog From A Breeder | Thatmutt.com
Tuesday 12th of January 2016
[…] This has been a very careful decision. […]
Monday 2nd of November 2015
It is crazy, how some people are overly fanatic about either breeding or rescueing. I'm glad to hear, that you have noticed, that both can be good or bad. Some people don't seem to realize, how both sides have the "good and bad". Mostly I've seen, how rescue people go on and on about breeders being terrible, and how they add too many dogs to the world. But actually, it isn't the responsible breeder, who chooses to let the dog go on the streets - its the irresponsible dog owner. People should consider promoting responsible dog ownership more, bringing out the ups and downs of dog owning more openly etc. Maybe then we would have less homeless dogs, less irresponsible breeders, bad rescues, irresponsible dog owners etc. Maybe then people would realise, that dog owning can be challenging. That it takes time, it isn't just a walk in the park, that it is a commitment.
Your plan in getting a 2nd dog sounds really good. Hopefully you'll find the right puppy or dog for you, when the time is right. I'm sure it will get a good home! :)
I'm planning on getting my second dog (fourth to our pack) next year, when a certain litter is born. I've already been planning on this for nearly two years, but there is still so much to go through! I've already found a fantastic breeder, and been in contact with her regularly. Even if this future litter won't have my future dog, I know exactly, who I want to get my next dog from. Responsible breeding with open views is something I really want to support, so that we have healthy dogs in the future.
Sunday 11th of October 2015
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a rescuer wanting a well-bred puppy from a responsible breeder. I would love to get a baby with excellent genetics, from health and temperament tested parents.
Good, responsible breeders are not the reason dogs are in shelters.
**end rant**
Good for you, and good luck! Can't wait to see what/who is the lucky dog to join your family!
Lindsay Stordahl
Monday 12th of October 2015
Thank you! :)
Kimberly Gauthier
Thursday 8th of October 2015
One of my BFFs runs a rescue and she had two dogs from reputable breeders. We used to tease her about it. She adopted her first puppy last month after one of her dogs passed away. From her, I learned that it doesn't matter where the dog comes from, it's about giving a dog a safe and happy home.
I'm happy that I've learned how to spot a good breeder and have two that I want to work with should that day come.
Lindsay Stordahl
Thursday 8th of October 2015
So refreshing to hear!