Guess Felix’s breeds & win dog treats from Bravo!
Note: Bravo Pet Foods is providing a free bag of treats to one lucky reader.
What kind of dog do you think Felix is?
Everyone who leaves a guess in the comments will be entered into a drawing to win some FREE dog treats from Bravo. (More info below.)
Felix was adopted in 2010 by Daniela D., and she sent me these photos of her dog. She said Felix used to be a stray, and the vet estimates his age to be about 5 years old.
“Most people tell me German shepherd and some other smaller breeds,” Daniela said.
“He’s a lazy boy and hates balls, avoids them at all cost. He’s very mellow and quiet, and very healthy. He’s food and bone driven, everything else sucks, according to him.”
She said Felix is a medium-sized dog at about 42 pounds and is a healthy weight.

How to win a bag of Crunchy Delights treats from Bravo
For a chance to win some of Bravo’s Crunchy Delights treats for your dog, all you have to do is leave a comment below with your guesses on Felix’s breeds. I’ll choose a winner at random on Thursday Sept. 18. (Must have a U.S. mailing address to win.) *Congrats Anna!
Note that no one really knows Felix’s breeds. This is just for fun!
I’m guessing: German shepherd/beagle/pitbull

*Send your mutt pics to to get your mutt featured in the next Guess That Mutt post. Foster dogs and shelter dogs are also welcome, of course.
Check out the previous Guess That Mutt featuring Amy the dog for adoption in Baton Rouge, La. Congrats to Chewy the golden for the “winning” guess.
Wednesday 17th of September 2014
i saw German Shepard and Akita
Friday 19th of September 2014
That'd be lovely since my childhood dog was an Akita. He has that Spitz family tail, there must be something Spitzy in all those mixes.
Jennifer J.
Monday 15th of September 2014
What a cutie! My guess is German shepherd/lab/pit/shiba inu mix.
Monday 15th of September 2014
Interesting choices! He does have that Shiba Inu tail.
Sunday 14th of September 2014
This is a tough one. I want to say a mix of German Shepherd too, but only because of his coloring. Other than his coloring, there doesn't seem to be anything else German Shepherd about him. Foxhound mix? Beaglish? Spanielish? Megan's guess of Canaan mix sounds plausible.
Lindsay Stordahl
Sunday 14th of September 2014
For all we know, he probably doesn't even have German shepherd in his background.
Sunday 14th of September 2014
I'm new to your blog, Lindsay! Just adopted an older puppy (10 months) from a shelter and am playing this game with him all the time! I'll guess that Felix is German Shepherd and Canaan.
Lindsay Stordahl
Sunday 14th of September 2014
Congrats on your new pup!
Saturday 13th of September 2014
Beautiful dog! And his expression while all dressed in pink - priceless.
I would guess German Shepherd/ Akita/ Something Small mix.
Saturday 13th of September 2014
Thank you Lindsay for featuring him in your awesome blog. LOL! His jacket is actually red but he doesn't like to get dressed, maybe that's why he had that face. I should add Felix is polydactyl, he has 21 nails ! I asked the vet why and she said "Probably because of all the mixes".