13 ways to help animals
Earlier this month I decided to participate in The 13 Project.
This project was created by a site called Pretty Fluffy to encourage individuals to help homeless animals.
To participate, all you have to do is come up with your own list of 13 ways to help animals before 2012 ends.
I only have about a month left to complete my list, so I thought I’d give you an update. You can view my original list here.
Donate a copy of the book “Redemption” to the director of a regional kill shelter.

“Redemption” by Nathan Winograd explains how U.S. shelters can realistically stop the killing of healthy dogs and cats. The book explains how dozens of U.S. communities have already accomplished this and how more can do the same by following the no kill equation model.
I chose to send a copy of the book to Arlette Moen, executive director of Circle of Friends Humane Society in Grand Forks, N.D. Circle of Friends is an open-admission shelter that kills healthy animals due to a lack of “space.”
Although I believe the staff and volunteers there care very much about the animals, the book might help even one person open her mind to more options.
Donate a wish list item to my local humane society
I decided to purchase a bag of dry kitten food for the Humane Society Fargo-Moorhead since the shelter said it is always in need of kitten food. Now I just need to deliver it!
Write a blog post about why I plan to adopt a pitbull!
Check it out here – I hope to adopt a pitbull.
Make a monetary donation to an open-admission, no-kill shelter.
I chose to donate to Animal Allies Humane Society in Duluth, Minn., because this humane society truly follows the no-kill approach.
No animals are turned away from this shelter, and no adoptable dogs or cats are killed. It also has a strong program for releasing feral cats as barn cats, and it has lead the community of Duluth to achieve no-kill status.
Make an album of local adoptable pets on That Mutt’s Facebook page.
I choose to create an album of some of the black dogs and cats up for adoption in my town of Fargo, N.D. I will keep updating the album as the pets get adopted.
Sponsor the adoption fee of a local homeless pet.

I decided to sponsor the full adoption fees for two local black cats. That means these cats are available for adoption at no cost.
The first is a cat named Mallory at CATS Cradle Shelter in Fargo. She is a nice cat who has been up for adoption for about a year. The other is a 5-year-old male named Midnight (pictured) through the Humane Society Fargo-Moorhead. I haven’t met him, but I hear he is a very fun, social cat.
Expect to see more updates on these two! If you are interested in more info, just send an email to Lindsay@ThatMutt.com. Update: Midnight was adopted!
Promote a local homeless pet until he or she finds a home.
Donate to the No Kill Advocacy Center
I donated to the No Kill Advocacy Center because I believe in the work it is doing to help communities end the killing of healthy, adoptable animals in U.S. shelters. Since 2005, about 80 communities (representing 200 cities) have reached save rates of more than 90 percent using the no kill equation model provided by the center.
Still to go!
- Donate my mutt Ace’s two dog crates to a local rescue group (I may do so in 2013 as this will be more convenient for me).
- Donate all our unused pet supplies – bowls, toys, collars, etc.
- Donate all our old towels and blankets to an animal shelter.
- Write a letter to the editor on why my area needs more support for the trap/neuter/release of feral cats (instead of mostly trapping and killing them).
- Write a blog post on how to foster a cat.

Monday 3rd of December 2012
Sometimes there is just despair.
I walked the dogs, left food in their crates (takes about 30 min. to eat) and left for 2 hours. Maddie demolished the cage, escaped and pooped on the carpet (the poo part is new). Boots was still in his cage.
I cleaned the mess and took the dogs for a walk. They were both pulling and panting like crazy. Stressed?
Then Boots ate some of my son's gingerbread house. When???
Feel defeated...
Lindsay Stordahl
Wednesday 5th of December 2012
That sounds so frustrating! I hope things are going better today!
Saturday 1st of December 2012
Yay, well done!
Update on my two goals (making my two fosters more "attractive"):
First goal:
Boots is a 10-month old terrier mix and it seems like he never lived in a house (or forgot all about it). He is wild. :-)
1. He didn't have any potty accident since Thursday night. 2. He's not scared of the vacuum cleaner anymore. 3. He slowly grasps the meaning of "sit" (instead of jumping at my hand with the treat like crazy). 4. He sleeps in his crate and doesn't complain about it. 5. He keeps up with our GSD mix (at the shelter the small dogs are separated from the big ones and he never played with them before). 6. He gets an extra hour of walk (total of two) while I take him with me to pick up my son from school where he gets to meet all the kids and enjoys their attention. He also learnt to cross the ravine and a creek (the first time I had to cary him over). Lots of new stuff for Boots and he adjusts so well!
Still a long way to go. He's jumping on people, nipping, counter surfing, not respecting the boundaries (need to teach him "out" and "off"), pulling on the leash, chewing whatever he pleases. But it's a pleasure to see his progress!
Second goal:
Maddie (7-year old arthritic GSD mix) is dog-aggressive and has separation anxiety. Turns out she's also protective/ possessive of "her" food, toys and people. I didn't find her any play dates because of the liability.
1. She tolerates Boots. Plays with him actually and they are great on walks, like a pack. 2. I can already pet Boots without her bothering him.
I'm not sure how much can be done for Maddie. She still lunges at other dogs on walks. Will try to short-term foster more often for her to get variety of play pals. She appears to be scared of dogs. Need to work on "drop it" and be stricter with her. She is also more unhappy being left behind now when Boots gets the extra walk (I ignore her).
No time being bored.
Good luck, everybody!
Lindsay Stordahl
Saturday 1st of December 2012
Wow. It sounds like you are making a lot of progress with both dogs. Thank you for the update. That is exactly why I love dog fostering. I love making a difference by helping a dog learn how to act appropriately in a home. Your two are definitely more adoptable because of you, and I love your idea of taking on more temporary foster dogs to help your longterm foster dog feel more comfortable with other dogs.
Saturday 1st of December 2012
Love your work Lindsay! Every idea is better than the last. How beautiful is midnight? Congratulations on achieving so many wonderful goals. Good luck with the rest of your list! xx
Lindsay Stordahl
Saturday 1st of December 2012
Thank you! :)
Friday 30th of November 2012
Cool bucket list if you will. I'm gonna get on this myself I think.
Lindsay Stordahl
Saturday 1st of December 2012
I hope you do!
Friday 30th of November 2012
Wow! Your list is amazing! I'm simply hoping to adopt a dog and donate some towels and blankets by Christmas. Looking forward to hearing more!
Lindsay Stordahl
Friday 30th of November 2012
I wouldn't say "simply" hoping to adopt a dog. That would be quite the accomplishment!