How to kennel train a dog: First, bait the kennel with a very naughty cat. Next, allow the dog to smell the bait … 🙂 If you are going to use a kennel at all with your dog, consistent kennel training is important. Most dogs have at least some anxiety when kenneled. This was the case recently …
Ace’s tennis ball obsession was at its worst recently. We were on a 45-minute road trip, and he whined the entire time in the car because he knew there was a ball in my bag. When I finally took the ball out, he was so fixated it appeared he was having a seizure (he wasn’t). …
I was about to head out when my cat Scout ran across the room, dragged his butt across the carpet and left a streak mark. Not only that but he also left a turd on the floor at the end of the streak mark. My mutt Ace did not waste any time to run over …
I realized yesterday that I am my dog’s entire world. This thought made me a little sad. Ace gets out if I choose to invite him. But I leave whenever I want, with or without my dog. Ace knows and learns what I teach. His behavior depends on me. His energy depends on me. Even …
I know of runners who don’t train with their dogs. Their reasons surprise me – too hot, too cold, the dog can’t keep up, the dog pulls. To me there is something terribly wrong with these excuses. Dogs are meant to run. As for me, I refuse to leave my mutt Ace behind, even if …
Well I can add a new obsession to Ace’s list – golf balls. Nothing frustrates me more than when my dog is so focused on a ball that he won’t respond to the most basic commands like come, heel, sit. So last week while Josh was hitting golf balls in the back yard (we’re fortunate …
Will my dog miss me when I go on vacation? Will he miss me when I go to work? Will he miss me if I have to re-home him?
Oh the joys of living near the Red River. So much for this bridge … Thanks a lot, Wahpeton, for sending us all your rain.
I got my mutt Ace for free. His previous owner recognized she would be saving money for every day Ace was out of her life, so she did not accept the $50 I offered her. If she could see this post, then she would really know how much she’s saved! But I wasn’t attracted to …
I am teaching my mutt Ace the “touch” command. I have a silent competition with my friend Maren to own the dog that knows the most tricks. Ace is now learning “touch” because Maren’s dog already knows it. She was nice enough, though, to help Ace and I. The touch command seems pointless at first, …