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How to kennel train a dog: First, bait the kennel with a very naughty cat. Next, allow the dog to smell the bait … 🙂 If you are going to use a kennel at all with your dog, consistent kennel training is important. Most dogs have at least some anxiety when kenneled. This was the case recently …

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Ace’s tennis ball obsession was at its worst recently. We were on a 45-minute road trip, and he whined the entire time in the car because he knew there was a ball in my bag. When I finally took the ball out, he was so fixated it appeared he was having a seizure (he wasn’t). …

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I realized yesterday that I am my dog’s entire world. This thought made me a little sad. Ace gets out if I choose to invite him. But I leave whenever I want, with or without my dog. Ace knows and learns what I teach. His behavior depends on me. His energy depends on me. Even …

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I know of runners who don’t train with their dogs. Their reasons surprise me – too hot, too cold, the dog can’t keep up, the dog pulls. To me there is something terribly wrong with these excuses. Dogs are meant to run. As for me, I refuse to leave my mutt Ace behind, even if …

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I got my mutt Ace for free. His previous owner recognized she would be saving money for every day Ace was out of her life, so she did not accept the $50 I offered her. If she could see this post, then she would really know how much she’s saved! But I wasn’t attracted to …

Read More about How much does a dog cost?