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All dog lovers want to adopt more dogs. Our significant others and family members have learned this the hard way. I know that at some point there will be a second dog in our household. This very day, week or month is not the right time, but that could easily change. My problem is not …

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Well, actually, my dog will eat anything. He has been off prednisone for a year, but the “side effect” of “hunger” never went away. The only time Ace isn’t interested in food is when we travel. There is too much going on, and he doesn’t want to take the time to eat. God forbid he …

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Thank you, Ace … I’m glad I was patient enough to wait two months to find you, the “perfect” dog for me. I’m not sure I could do that today, now that I’m involved (obsessed) with rescue dogs. I have about five picked out I would adopt in an instant if I could. I’m thankful you …

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