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“Ace is a kind soul.” That’s what Josh said about him in November when I asked for the 800th time when we could get another dog. He said we could get another dog if he’s like Ace – gentle and “kind.” I’m not even sure if a dog can be “kind.” Ace could never be …

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Welcome, 2012. I hope to be more like my dog. How often do we allow ourselves to experience this kind of happiness? My dog loves life, no matter what. We could head to the field out back every day to play, and Ace would still jump for joy each time. “OH, WOW!” he seems to …

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Day of rest Technology makes my life chaotic. I love technology, obviously, but I don’t want it to control my life. For me, remaining in control means consciously observing a day of rest on Sundays, away from technology and other distractions. It’s even a day away from my dog walking business. A day of rest …

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Josh’s mom Tawna has been visiting us this week all the way from Washington. One of her talents is creativity, and she has been helping us out in the home decorating department (something we are totally clueless about). She also captured some great photos of our pets. Tawna has a big, black lab-type dog as …

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