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Seasons. Change. Fall is brief around here, in North Dakota. My favorite time for dog walks. I have such a wonderful dog, and I am grateful for him every day. Ace – the ultimate adapter, like all dogs – doesn’t seem to worry much about the seasons. He carries on. He leads me into a …

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Some people say black Labs are ordinary, that black lab mixes are “a dime a dozen.” Well, maybe some dogs are ordinary – not black lab mixes. I, for example, have white markings on my chest and feet. “Oh, lots of dogs have white feet,” you might say. “There’s nothing special about that.” But … how many …

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When I mentioned my former foster dog Cosmo was doing well with his new owner, someone suggested I should’ve used the word “guardian” instead of “owner.” Perhaps someday I will call myself a pet “guardian.” Not today. I am very aware of the words I use to describe my relationships with my pets. I’ve used …

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