We need to go completely overboard promoting each dog as an individual with a story. Because every dog does have a story, and if we know nothing about the dog we can still piece something together.
Tips to get a dog to ignore other dogs on walks.
Six unique mixed-breed dogs who mystery breeds in their heritage. Any guesses as to what kind of mutts these dogs really are?
After spending months in a New York shelter, a senior pitbull has been adopted by three nuns.
Just walking into the vet’s waiting room has a fee attached, and when you add that to the cost associated with a possible medical procedure, medication and the possibility of follow up visits, you can kiss that nice weekend vacation out the freaken window.
10 beautiful distinguished dogs. Seniors are the best!
10 dog shaming photos, including the dog who got on “the list” at dog daycare.
10 photos of dogs hanging out with other animals.