A Labrador named Lincoln took part in a polar plunge, and the dog’s owner was accused of animal abuse.
I’m going to post a new “challenge” each Thursday, and if you choose to participate for that week, you can do so “silently” or you can let me know you’re in by leaving a comment.
How to teach loose leash walking when your dog needs the exercise? I can’t stop every time my dog pulls or we’d never get anywhere.
A bunch of people running around as though they are dogs in a dog park. What more can I say?
A man is rejoicing after his English bulldog Bella was returned after disappearing back in 2012.
How do you train two dogs at once? Do you train them each separately or at the same time?
Dog aggression in doorways and entryways and what you can do to prevent aggression and keep your dog and other safe. The key is keeping everyone calm.
How did you decide whether or not to adopt your foster dog or cat?
A 5-month-old pig has joined a dog agility class and obedience class near Seattle.