Bubba & Company in Fargo is having its open house all day Saturday June 27th. There will be a cookout and a drawing for prizes with donations going to 4 Luv of Dog Rescue. If you haven’t checked out Bubba & Company, tomorrow would be a good day to do it! Bubba’s offers dog daycare …
To see your outdoor dog photos published on That Mutt, send an email to Lindsay@thatmutt.com with Outdoor Dog Photos as the subject. Thanks to everyone who has submitted photos! The following are the most recent outdoor dog photo submissions: Grizz the Australian shepherd Grizz (about 1) is up for adoption with 4 Luv of Dog …
I know this is unrelated to dogs, but can anyone tell me why a group of male ducks would gather together in my yard? … And remain there for hours?
Here are the best outdoor dog photos that were submitted this week. This was the last week to officially submit photos for this contest. If there is interest, people can still submit their best outdoor dog photos to me at Lindsay@thatmutt.com, and I will publish them on Sundays when I have enough photos. Feel free …
An emergency animal shelter will be available at the Red River Valley fairgrounds for anyone affected by the North Dakota/Minnesota flooding, according to Adopt A Pet of Fargo Moorhead. The rescue is working with the F-M Humane Society and Fargo-Moorhead emergency managers. The shelter is located at the Schollander Pavilion at the fairgrounds in West …
My cat Scout has an attitude and never gets too festive. But check out this yellow Labrador we saw during the Jamestown, N.D., Runnin O’ the Green last Saturday. His name is Hayduke, and he is owned by Jennifer Kross. I hope to see you at the Jamestown St.Patty’s run 2010! March miles: 25
Usually the word “pitbull” refers to the American pit bull terrier or the American Staffordshire terrier. However, many breeds or mixed breeds are dubbed with the “pit” name incorrectly.
This featured mutt is Sebastian, a dalmatian/springer spaniel mix owned by Sabrina Packard in Orrington, Maine. Here’s what Sabrina had to say about her mutt: We were blessed with a pup four years ago. Our dog is a perfect match of English springer spaniel and dalmatian. His name is Sebastian, and he is always working …
Congratulations to Apryl DeLancey for winning a copy of “The Ultimate Dog Lover” by Marty Becker, Gina Spadafori, Carol Kline and Mikkel Becker. Apryl was the top commenter for the month of December. Thank you to everyone for supporting my blog and Happy New Year! Remember you can win a DogPause bowl for being one …
I hear dogs are easier to train, but it’s the same concept. Works for husbands, too. Merry Christmas!