Which dog collar is best to stop a dog’s extreme pulling? I recommend a Gentle Leader or a prong collar.
Dog Training
What to do if your dog or puppy is peeing next to the pee pads instead of on the pads.
Why do dogs lick other dogs in the face? For the most part, it is often a way to show submission, but it can also simply be a way to show affection.
How to stop a dog from begging for his own food before meals. Other than telling the dog to stay on a dog bed, how else can you stop the begging?
If you have multiple dogs, how do you decide who eats first, gets walked first, gets treats first, etc.?
You can stop a puppy from chewing inappropriate objects like shoes and furniture by providing him with appropriate items to chew like bones and toys. Here are some of my tips.
How to teach loose leash walking when your dog needs the exercise? I can’t stop every time my dog pulls or we’d never get anywhere.
How do you train two dogs at once? Do you train them each separately or at the same time?
Dog aggression in doorways and entryways and what you can do to prevent aggression and keep your dog and other safe. The key is keeping everyone calm.
I’m sharing an example of a mistake I made where I allowed a stranger to get too close to my dogs.