The reason this situation was significant is because I kept thinking about that puppy and all the behavioral problems he’s likely going to have. If he’s already triggering negative reactions from the mellowest dogs, I can just imagine what happens when he walks by and jumps at even mildly reactive dogs.
Dog behavior
Is it fair to judge my dog, or any other dog, by his appearance? Of course not. My dog is not friendly because he’s part Lab. He’s friendly because of all sorts of factors, breed being one.
What has been the most challenging training or behavior issue for you and your dog to overcome?
While taking shelter dogs out for exercise is obviously important, sometimes it can be equally important to just sit and reward them for calm behavior.
What types of rules should you set for your dog at the dog park? For example, I expect my dog to come when called no matter what. He is also expected to remain at my side, even after I remove his leash, until I tell him “OK.”
Can the Thundershirt help prevent a dog’s separation anxiety?
My dog shakes his body or scratches his collar to break from “stay.”
Top posts from the last 7 days on 1. My disturbing first impression of San Diego’s Union-Trib 2. How to break a dog’s possessiveness (this post was recently updated) 3. The dog ‘body shake’ – why does my dog shake his body? (I think this stuff is so interesting! Nerd alert!) Hope you’re all having …
Book review – How to Speak Dog: A Guide to Decoding Dog Language We really need to teach kids about dog behavior. A lot of dogs are extremely tolerant around the children they live with. It’s easy for the parents to get a little careless (I would too) about allowing the children to play pretty …
How can shelters decrease barking? Animal shelters are crazy loud, right? The ASPCA’s webinar “Canine Behavior and Acoustics” focused on noisy shelter environments and how the noise affects the dogs. The webinar was presented by Dr. Patricia McConnell, a certified applied animal behaviorist. I was most interested in the section on how shelters can decrease …