If you have multiple dogs, how do you decide who eats first, gets walked first, gets treats first, etc.?
Dog behavior
How do you train two dogs at once? Do you train them each separately or at the same time?
Dog aggression in doorways and entryways and what you can do to prevent aggression and keep your dog and other safe. The key is keeping everyone calm.
I’m sharing an example of a mistake I made where I allowed a stranger to get too close to my dogs.
If your dog goes completely nuts out of excitement before a walk, you’re not alone. It’s a common problem! And what if you have two dogs? And they’re both excited, basically getting each other more and more worked up? Heck, what if you have 3 dogs? By “excited” I mean the dogs might be racing …
How much resource guarding should I allow from my dog? Is some resource guarding reasonable?
Not all dogs can be saved by love, and I promise you rescue groups and trainers do not always know best.
Some tips on how to manage a home renovation if you have a dog.
I trained my dog not to play in the house because I want my living environment to be calm and relaxing.
Should dog owners correct their dogs for growling? My opinion is no, because growling is one of the ways dogs communicate.