The types of dogs I’m interested in are active and known to be challenging, so I’m trying to plan some sort of routine NOW, before we actually get this hypothetical, hyperactive pup.
Dog behavior
Tips for socializing your herding breed puppy or dog, although these can apply to all puppies.
I don’t really expect you to walk through doors before your dog every single time. Yikes. However, teaching your dog to be calm at the door is obviously very beneficial.
How to get your dog to love (OK tolerate) his Halloween costume using treats.
Asking a dog walker, “Who’s walking who?” is not cute or original. It’s been said thousands of times.
How to prevent a puppy’s aggression around food by doing things like hand feeding the puppy or gently putting your hands in the bowl.
How to prevent your puppy from becoming aggressive on the leash. Provide plenty of exercise, enroll in an obedience class and teach calm greeting skills.
What do you do when a puppy does something “bad”? Leave your answer in the comments.
Ever had someone imply your dog was well behaved only because of your dog’s breed?
Tips to stop your dog from barking and growling at other dogs on walks. Tips include using a training collar, keeping your dog at your side and using desensitization.