I browse through the pet sections of Craigslist pretty often. I visit pet rescue sites every time I’m online, and I even read the pet classifieds section of the newspaper. I think to myself what dogs would fit in well with my lifestyle and with my current animals. I can’t help it. I always want …
Dog adoption
Women Like Sports was the winner of my February comment contest. Apryl DeLancey got to choose the animal shelter or rescue where That Mutt will make a donation. Apryl chose the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Los Angeles and volunteered to match my $20 donation. “Readers from all over can feel …
There is a male pit bull terrier in one of the Fargo-area pounds scheduled to be euthanized soon if no one saves him today (Tuesday). 02/25/09 edit: The pitbull was saved and has a foster home lined up! The fact that this dog is a pitbull means his chances of being rescued are slim even …
I will never pay a “re-homing fee” to an individual giving up his dog. Of course, I would pay an adoption fee to adopt a dog from a shelter, humane society, pound or rescue group, but I won’t pay an individual. Since pets are property, everyone seems OK with the idea that dogs and cats …
While it’s great to buy a dog from a breeder or adopt a shelter dog, many of us adopt dogs directly from their previous owners. I adopted my mutt Ace directly from his previous owner and after our initial conversations and meetings, we did not talk again. We’d talked over the phone several times and met in person …
The top-commenter contest for February will be a little different than the last few months. At the end of the month, the number of comments the top commenter has left will represent the number of dollars That Mutt will donate to an animal shelter of the winner’s choice. The amount donated really depends on how …
People have been asking me about what’s involved with volunteering at an animal shelter and how to get started. There are so many ways to volunteer with animals. Walking shelter dogs, fostering a homeless dog or fostering a future service dog are just a few examples. And the reasons to volunteer are obvious. You will …
Congratulations Vixen! We wish you the best luck with your new family. We’ll miss you!
What to consider before fostering a dog such as how your own pets will respond.
This is Vixen, the pitbull we are fostering. Animal rescue programs often have limited space for dogs and depend on volunteers to provide temporary homes.