April 28 Update: The giveaway has ended. Winners have been chosen and notified. 1st place: Treasa Johnson confirmed 2nd place: Altan T. confirmed 3rd place: Christine Spear confirmed With everything going on right now I wanted to offer something fun and helpful. I partnered up with Darwin’s to offer you the chance to win a …
Lindsay Stordahl
Hi, I hope you’re doing OK. Today I’m sharing 10 ideas for how you can help your local animal shelter here in the U.S. during the COVID-10 Pandemic. Last week, I wrote about what dog owners should do in general during the COVID Pandemic. Each community has different needs and may have different plans for …
We put together a list of what pet owners might consider during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Unfortunately sometimes when you adopt a dog, the dog is just not the right fit for your family.
My answers to the 2020 pet blogging challenge, “Pet Bloggers Journey.”
Tips for Adopting a Second Dog. How to Successfully Add a Second Dog to Your Home. Safety Tips for Adopting an Adult Dog When You Already Have a Dog.
Is it OK to Run a Half Marathon with Your Dog? How far can dogs run? Can a dog run a marathon? It depends on the dog but we share our tips in this post!
What to feed a cat with kidney disease – prescription diets and raw diets for cats with kidney disease.
I am participating in the Summer Blogging Challenge hosted by my mom Nancy at Nancy’s Point. This is a way for bloggers to support one another.
🐕 How to Stop a Puppy From Biting – What to do to stop your puppy from biting, do puppies grow out of biting? Use these tips to stop your puppy from biting today!