Before you meet a local pet sitter, make sure you take plenty of time to plan ahead. Don’t wait until right before you leave for a trip. You will be rushed and will settle for the first option.
Lindsay Stordahl
I will never pay a “re-homing fee” to an individual giving up his dog. Of course, I would pay an adoption fee to adopt a dog from a shelter, humane society, pound or rescue group, but I won’t pay an individual. Since pets are property, everyone seems OK with the idea that dogs and cats …
While it’s great to buy a dog from a breeder or adopt a shelter dog, many of us adopt dogs directly from their previous owners. I adopted my mutt Ace directly from his previous owner and after our initial conversations and meetings, we did not talk again. We’d talked over the phone several times and met in person …
If you choose to hire a professional pet sitter, don’t hire just anyone. Ask the right questions first and consider more than one option. Remember, anyone can become a pet sitter. You don’t need a degree or a license in most areas.
Usually the word “pitbull” refers to the American pit bull terrier or the American Staffordshire terrier. However, many breeds or mixed breeds are dubbed with the “pit” name incorrectly.
The top-commenter contest for February will be a little different than the last few months. At the end of the month, the number of comments the top commenter has left will represent the number of dollars That Mutt will donate to an animal shelter of the winner’s choice. The amount donated really depends on how …
How to help dogs and cats get along Whether or not dogs and cats can get along depends entirely on the human. The human needs to be in control of the situation, and that means in control of the cat, too. Although some dog-cat combos will need supervision at all times, most dogs and cats …
If you have to ask whether or not your dog is getting enough exercise, the answer is no, he is not.
Pet food companies in the United States cannot use horse meat in dog food, according to the Equine Protection Network, which is a group dedicated to making a difference for abused, neglected and slaughter-bound horses. The main reason dog food companies do not use horses in the U.S. is because U.S. companies make more profit …
People have been asking me about what’s involved with volunteering at an animal shelter and how to get started. There are so many ways to volunteer with animals. Walking shelter dogs, fostering a homeless dog or fostering a future service dog are just a few examples. And the reasons to volunteer are obvious. You will …