I’m excited to add another dog to our family in 2021! I’ve been carefully choosing the right dog breed for us (over analyzing, for sure).
I’m writing this to:
- Show how important it is to carefully choose any dog or puppy
- Process my choice (writing helps me do so)
- Document my life with dogs
Choosing the right dog breed for us
In the last 3 months, I have spoken by email or phone with 9 different breeders, 3 shelters and 1 rescue group.
I’ve filled out their questionnaires, asked many of my own questions, weighed the pros & cons of each option, followed them on Instagram and emailed past puppy buyers.
Talking with each one has been a positive experience.
After lots and lots of thinking, I decided I want a field-bred Labrador from a good breeder.

I really enjoy working with breeders who love and support their breed and focus on:
- temperament
- health
- and the dogs’ abilities to thrive doing their work.
I expect a lot from my dogs.
I push them physically as we train for trail marathons. We work hard in agility. And now that I live in Montana (vs. San Diego), I plan to train my dogs for hunting.
I am excited about all of these training adventures. My heart is full when I’m working with my dogs. I love learning along with them and watching what they can do.
The right dog breed is different for everyone
Choosing the right dog breed has been very difficult for me. I’ll only get to have so many dogs in my life; I want to choose them wisely.
To be honest, I’m worried I’ll be bored with a Lab. They’re just so ordinary and everyone has one – for good reason, they’re nice dogs!
On the plus side, Labs are generally calmer and much easier to train than a weimaraner, my current dog. (Although “calm” is all relative. What’s “calm” for me might be “hyper” for someone else)
Knowing what I want in a dog
Here’s what I’m looking for in my “perfect” dog. Of course there is no such thing as this imaginary perfect dog.
- Long distance trail running buddy. 3-4 miles most days and 10+ miles on some weekends. (once age appropriate)
- Friendly with dogs, kids, cats and strangers.
- Able to train for agility for fun and light competition.
- Has an “off switch” in the house while I’m working, assuming I’ve done my part to provide exercise & training.
- Calm at breweries, patios and during travel (with training).
- Sticks close when hiking & running off leash (with training).
- Able to train for hunting as a hobby and maybe hunt tests.

And … it’s not all about ME. I also need to make sure that I’m providing the best home for whatever type of dog I choose. I do feel I can provide a good home for any of the sporting breeds.
So … why not another weimaraner?
You might wonder, why is she interested in a Lab vs. a higher-energy athlete like another weimaraner?
It’s a tough choice for me. But what it comes down to is I love my high-energy endurance athlete, Remy. But I don’t necessarily need TWO extremely high-energy dogs right now. (Perhaps at some point!) I definitely have vizslas, German shorthairs and Brittanys on my brain … but perhaps for the future.

Plus, Labs are athletic too
The Lab breeder I’m working with breeds dogs for hunting. She tells me all of her dogs are very athletic and will make good running partners, even up to 10 miles.
These Labs are calm in the house but have an intense working drive around birds and guns. They are clearly strong and fast in the field, very fit and muscular. I will not have a fat Lab, I promise you that!
Still, I’m not convinced I will be able to take a Lab on 10-mile runs. I really hope so, but it depends on the dog. Either way, I’ll still have Remy for long-distance running.
Other benefits of the Labrador dog breed
Labs are (generally) easy to train. I view Labs as athletic dogs who do not necessarily need constant “busyness” like my weim.
I feel Labs are a good breed for my first real gun dog and hunting companion. I am very excited to begin training a retriever for hunting.
My weimaraner Remy has potential to be a hunting dog too, and I have just started to work with him through our local NAVHDA group. But I am also interested in training a hunting dog from the very beginning. It is a new experience for me.
Choosing the right dog breed for cold weather
Labs have a thick coat to protect them from Montana’s long, harsh winters. The only months we did not have snow in 2019 were July and August!
A Lab’s coat also protects her from the summer heat. We live at 5,000 feet elevation, so the sun can be intense here as well. For this reason, and because of all the running I do, we are going with a yellow Lab vs. chocolate or black.
And Labs are far from perfect!
A purebred Labrador retriever can be many things … low energy and gentle … overly excited over toys or sticks.
They’re strong and tend to jump on people, pull hard on the leash, go crashing after a ball. My Lab mix Ace knocked me flat on my back one time going after a ball. He didn’t even notice he hit me! (I cried.)
Labs shed a lot (like, A LOT) and are prone to joint problems. They’re slow to mature mentally and young labs are unfortunately labeled “hyper” by many people. This label is accurate.
Some Labs are just as nuts as a weim or a vizsla.
But every dog is an individual. I wrote about this HERE.
Good breeders and genetics can only do so much.
As dog owners, it’s up to us to do the best we can through training, socialization, exercise, finding the best vet. Feeding healthy food. Making smart choices on spaying & neutering.
And of course, taking the time to choose the right dog or puppy for our current situation. We’re lucky to have so many options.
I’m excited for our next puppy. I can’t wait to meet her! It will most likely be over a year before our puppy is even born. Good breeders often have waiting lists of several months or even a year. Once all is confirmed, I’ll keep you posted.
Remy will be so excited to have another dog around. He absolutely LOVES other dogs, and he shared our home so well with his sister Raven back in January.
While sweet Raven was not the right dog for us, she helped show me how good Remy is with a buddy. And how all of my time spent training him (hours and hours) really has paid off.
Believe it or not, Remy will actually be a good role model! (Now that’s a scary thought! Haha.)
I can’t wait for 2021!
If you’re willing, please share about the decision making (or lack thereof) when you chose your dog.
Let me know in the comments! Thank you!
Lindsay (and Remy)
Related posts:
- What good breeders and good rescues have in common
- Reasons to buy a puppy from a breeder
- How to piss off a Labrador owner
- Best dog breeds for farms
- How to choose a puppy (Puppy in Training blog)
- Black Labrador Retriever: Breed Guide
Elizabeth Kleweno
Tuesday 4th of August 2020
We were kind of looking for another one last year. Like you, I've wanted to go breeder but my husband, and main dog care giver, is big on rescuing. So I shared a photo of a really cute pup on Facebook from a group we got one of our others from and my husband saw it, looked at her and said, if that's the one you want, put in an application! River is a hoot!!! She's probably a little more high energy then I want but it's good, she gets me out of bed, she loves the horses and I am blessed we have her. I'll have to video her exercising with the horses! So glad to hear you are adding to your pack!! And I can't wait to see all the cool new training you are going to be doing learning to hunt!!
M.A. Kropp
Sunday 7th of June 2020
Congratulations on the decision to add a puppy to the family! We had a Lab for years before Lambeau. Murphy chose us; we didn't choose him. He was a stray that showed up at our door, and decided to move in. (Yes, we tried to find his owner but the consensus after working with our local ACO, vets, and others was that he was a throwaway stray.) He was a great dog. At about 1.5-2 years old when we got him, he was past the delirious puppy stage, but still young enough to be pretty active. Funny thing with Murphy was that he seemed to somehow miss the "retriever" part of his heritage. That dog never learned to bring a toy or stick or anything back when you threw it! He was also very shy of loud noises. Made us think someone wanted him for a gun dog, and when that didn't work out, he got tossed out on the street. Anyway, he was a great dog- very laid back in the house, but loved a good walk or romp in the yard. Awesome with the grandkids when they were young (though we did teach them limits with the dog, too, just for everyone's peace). He was about 13 or so when we lost him. I love my whacko pit mix, but I do miss that Old Dog.
Pam Staples
Sunday 7th of June 2020
We adopted a Chocolate Lab puppy in early January 2020 (late Christmas Gift). We’ve always had Golden Retrievers but decided we needed a change.
My husband and I wanted a dog that is also known to be great with kids (especially kids with special needs), could go running with my husband, like long road trips and also be calm inside.
Our boy was (and still is at times) a crazy, wild puppy. He loves to hurdle over furniture and is definitely a jumper. We named him Axel Rogue and at times the “rogue” fits him perfectly. At the same time, he loves to cuddle on the couch with our son, is a quick learner although sometimes has selective hearing. We are working on our pup potentially becoming a support dog for our son. Our son loves having him in his room at night (but the puppy can’t be out of the crate yet at night).
We were concerned at first as he was very crazy but now at almost 8 months old he is doing really well and not as crazy.
Monday 18th of May 2020
Congratulations! So excited for your new addition in 2021!
In 2017, my husband and I added a lab to our family a few months after getting married / moving in together. We adopted him as a senior from a local rescue. What I loved about this is that he came with the basics already trained (house trained, crate trained, and knowing how to sit and walk on a leash), but more importantly - we already knew his temperament. He is a calm gentle old guy who still loves to go for walks or play fetch whenever we're up for it.
Adding a senior to our family was the perfect fit for us and adding a dog early in our marriage was also great on helping us streamline our communication and planning skills!
Labs are awesome so I'm excited to see your new addition next year. :) -Amanda
Lindsay Stordahl
Monday 18th of May 2020
Thank you, Amanda!
Monday 18th of May 2020
Our first dog was an Irish Setter, beautiful and crazy. We're on our 4th Standard Poodle and love the breed. They're smart, great with children and babies, beautiful when in poodle cut and love to run and good on leash for runs or walks.
Good luck with your new lab puppy. It's important to get a really good breeder. We get show quality and then you're assured of a good temperament.
Lindsay Stordahl
Monday 18th of May 2020
Thank you! I've thought about a setter too but I do like shorter coats.