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Assisi Loop for Pain Management in Dogs

This post is sponsored by Assisi Animal Health.

We’re giving away a FREE Loop (valued at $279) to one lucky reader of That Mutt. Just leave a comment below to enter. Click here.

The winner will need to obtain a prescription from a veterinarian (Assisi can help with that).

The Assisi Loop is a non-pharmaceutical, anti-inflammatory device used to speed up the healing process and decrease pain in animals using low-level pulses of energy.

To use it, you gently rest the Loop on or around the affected area for about 15 minutes at a time. For example, I use the Loop on my dog Ace’s sore hips and knees. It is a lightweight product available in two sizes.

According to Assisi, the Loop is effective for several issues such as:

  • Orthopedic injuries (ACL tears, broken bones, muscles strains)
  • Neurological issues
  • Wound care & post-surgical pain
  • Other inflammatory issues such as pancreatitis or bronchitis

The Assisi Loop and pain management in dogs – two examples

The following are two examples on how the Loop helped dogs recover from serious injuries, allowing them to return to their active lifestyles.

I wanted to share these examples because a lot of you have active dogs starting to show signs of arthritis or active dogs recovering from minor injuries. The Loop could potentially help your dogs too.

Mila the German shepherd

The following is a summary of the story originally shared on Assisi’s blog here.

Mila is an athlete who competes in obedience, agility and tracking, but unfortunately she was hurt while playing with her Frisbee.

The injury left Mila temporarily unable to compete in agility. In fact, this high-drive shepherd wouldn’t even jump in the car, climb the stairs or hop on the bed.

Her owner, Shannon Malmberg, tried to make an appointment with a veterinarian but was unable to get her dog in for a few days. During that waiting time, she did everything she could at home such as crate rest, massage and using the Assisi Loop with Mila four times per day.

“It was good to know there was something immediate and very easy I could do at home,” Malmberg said on Assisi’s blog. “To have something that could start working on that area straight away was really good.”

Mila was ultimately diagnosed with a strained quadratus lumborum, and she was able to continue on with her competitions (receiving multiple titles in multiple sports).

Since the incident, Malmberg said she planned to keep the Loop in regular use, especially when Mila is competing. She said she wanted to use it before each agility competition and in between runs when possible.

In fact, Malmberg believes all agility dogs can benefit from the anti-inflammatory treatment of the Loop.

She told Assisi Animal Health:

“If you’re at an agility trial all day … your dog might do four to six runs and each run is 40 seconds to a minute. So there’s tons of down time. And if you could, partway through the day, do the Loop on your dog’s back to just keep everything loose and comfortable and not inflamed, that’s really good.”

Belle the golden retriever

The following is a summary of the original story shared on Assisi’s blog here.

Belle had been working with her owner towards competitive obedience when they had an unfortunate incident at a park.

An off-leash dog ran straight for Belle.

“He took her out right behind the shoulder blade, sideways,” Carrie Johnston told Assisi Animal Health “He T-boned her like he’d run a red light. He flipped her four times, nose-to-tail.”

Before the owner caught up and leashed the dog, he had hit and flipped Belle again, injuring her severely.

It took a few months and multiple vets to diagnose Belle with a ruptured disc and dislocated pelvis. She received months of treatments which included laser, acupuncture and chiropractic, and while she made improvements, she continued to have trouble with her back feet.

Belle’s veterinarians believed they had gone as far as they could, that the problems with her back feet were likely there to stay.

But Johnston wasn’t quite ready to give up on Belle and decided to try the Assisi Loop.

“I used it initially on her twice a day, every day, and we did that faithfully for three months,” she said on Assisi’s blog. It ended up being a “game-changer.”

After a re-check with Belle’s vet, he said the dog was about 50% better. Belle could eventually walk backwards the full length of Johnston’s training space (40 feet), walk sideways and do backwards, left-hand turns.

Like Mila’s owner, Johnston also ended up using the Loop for ongoing maintenance, rotating it to wherever Belle is a bit tight – her hamstring, waist, neck, shoulder blades, it varies.

“I wait til the massage therapist tells me where she’s a bit tight, then we Loop that for a couple of days, and it’s all loose again. It’s absolutely fantastic.”

More info about ordering a Loop

The Loop is available with a prescription online through Assisi Animal Health. It is also available directly through several veterinarians. Cost is $279 and it typically lasts around 150 15-minute sessions.

Click here to learn more about ordering a Loop. Assisi Animal Health is very good about helping you talk to your vet about obtaining a prescription. You can also enter your zip code to find a provider near you.

Giveaway – Win a FREE Assisi Loop + a LOOP-AID for your dog

Assisi Animal Health is giving away a FREE Loop ($279 value) and a FREE LOOP-AID to one lucky reader of That Mutt. The LOOP-AID is a new accessory designed to help dog owners keep the Loop in place.

To enter, just leave a comment below so I know your dog wants IN on the drawing. Why could your dog benefit from the Loop?

Must have a U.S. mailing address to win, and the winner will need to obtain a prescription from a veterinarian. (Assisi can help with this.)

I’ll choose a winner at random on Saturday Dec. 17 and announce it in Sunday’s email. Subscribe to That Mutt’s daily training emails here.

Everyone signed up for the $7/mo reward or higher on Patreon is automatically entered in this giveaway.

Have questions about the Loop and what it can do?

Please leave any questions in the comments or email I’ll get them answered for you!

Kaia Takaki

Tuesday 1st of January 2019

I have been very interested in your product for quite some time. The only reason why I didn't buy it is because I'm not sure if my dog is qualified to use it. He is 14 years old but very old. He is very skinny and has dementia as well as a liver problem (he was born with a very small liver and it's causing him troubles). On some days he can walk a ton but on most he can't stand up on his own or walk. His hind legs tend to twist or tangle. Would Assisi Loop help my dog? Or is it just for dogs with obvious pain and injuries? Thank you, your reply will be a great deal of help.

Lindsay Stordahl

Wednesday 2nd of January 2019

It's designed to help any dog with pain or inflammation, so I'm guessing it would help your dog.

Olivia Boyd

Friday 22nd of September 2017

Hello - I am Olivia and my dog is Blue. Blue has no special gifts or talents; she simply is the best companion dog for my husband, Dan, who has Parkinson's disease. Having recently undergone Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery (DBS), Dan's Parkinson's is under much better control. Daily 1 - 3 hour walks with Blue is a very big part of managing Dan's Parkinson's. Blue loves with all her heart and intelligence; and unfortunately - also with her body. She is now 8 + years old, and recently has been diagnosed with a serious achilles tendon injury. We live on my husband's disability social security income, and cannot consider the surgical options for that reason. The Assisi Loop has been recommended as a very helpful pain management and recovery tool for Blue. Please consider her as a recipient for your gift. We are so blessed to have her and love her very, VERY much! Thank you!

Lindsay Stordahl

Saturday 23rd of September 2017

Hi Olivia, so sorry to hear of your husband's health issues as well as your dog's. Unfortunately the giveaway has ended but I hope you're able to get a Loop for Blue.

Vicki Dubray

Tuesday 1st of August 2017

I would love to try the loop. I have a 3 yr old mini dachshund, Maxwell. He has IVDD. I don't know that I can afford this type of tool

Diane Reinhold

Wednesday 28th of December 2016

We currently have 4 rescued dogs but the oldest one my daughter found in the woods, emaciated, covered in ticks, positive for heartworms and terrified of everything. Although we have taken care of his medical issues and he is now a more balanced dog, the loop would be a blessing to help him with his stiff gait and occasional anxiety.

shannon box

Saturday 17th of December 2016

my dog is 11 and 1/2 and has bad hips and bad back she would love this. and i dont have money to buy one