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Submit A Letter To The Editor

Letters to the Editor will be published Sundays.

I’m from the newspaper world and I miss letters to the editor, so I’m starting them on my blog.

Submit your letter to

Letters to the Editor That Mutt

That Mutt welcomes letters to the editor on topics related to dogs, dog training, dog rescue, dog news, dog stories … dogs!, cats and other pets.


1. Limit 250 words.

2. Include your name and your city/state or country for publication.

3. Include a phone number in case I need to contact you. This will NOT be published.

4. Absolutely no self-promotion or linking.

5. No thank you letters or praise for individuals or organizations.

6. Use subject line: Letter to the Editor (or I will have no way of knowing).

Letters will be edited for grammar, spelling, clarity and libel. Publication is at the discretion of That Mutt.

Send to – Subject line: Letter to the Editor