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Get active with your mutt with a weekly challenge – #ActiveMutts

Are you up for a new kind of “challenge”?

Last month we did a 21-day dog walking challenge, but I think it was hard for people who missed the beginning to jump in. Or, people felt bad if they missed a day.

Since we all have busy schedules, I’m going to post a new “challenge” each Thursday, and if you choose to participate for that week, you can do so “silently” or you can let me know you’re in by leaving a comment.

The challenges will be things like “walk your dog in a new park” or “got to a pet friendly store” or “work on coming when called.”

They won’t be hard. The goal is to get people out and about with their dogs.

Then, the following week I’ll post all your photos and a new challenge.

Ace the black Lab mix at the dog beach

Use #ActiveMutts on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram if you’d like me to share your photo on the blog. Or you can email or just post to That Mutt’s Facebook page. (Just make sure to use ActiveMutts in the subject if you email me so I know.)

Participate as often or as infrequently as you’d like. I’ll keep the challenges coming as long as people seem interested.

If you have any ideas for the challenges, you can also email those or leave them in the comments.

And if you have any questions, just let me know!

The first challenge is …

The first week’s challenge starts now and goes through next Thursday.

The challenge is: Take your dog to a new park this week or to a park you haven’t been to in a long time.

I can’t wait to see your photos!

Here are a few I haven’t posted yet from the last challenge:

Baxter the boxer mix


ActiveMutts My Two Pitties

Bonkers and Hiccup

Boxer mix

Cocker spaniels in the snow

Will you be participating in the challenge this week?


Tuesday 24th of February 2015

I'm going to try but our weather is cold, wet, rainy and muddy (sometimes ice and snow). The bridge that leads to our favorite park is closed for next six months making it harder for us to get to it so we need to find some new places anyway. Hershey did have a new adventure this weekend, though. He was kenneled at a new boarding facility. It was big farm with a lot of room to run and play and he had a blast! He played with other dogs and I was told he did very well and got along with everyone!

Lindsay Stordahl

Tuesday 24th of February 2015

Wow, that boarding facility sounds perfect for Hershey! I'm so glad he enjoyed himself!


Friday 20th of February 2015

Oooh, great challenge! I'll have to get creative because I think Hiccup has been to all the parks around here . . .

Lindsay Stordahl

Sunday 22nd of February 2015

Haha! I know, I'm not sure where I'm going to go either!


Friday 20th of February 2015

Sounds like a good idea! Il be taking part too!

Lindsay Stordahl

Sunday 22nd of February 2015


Rachel @ My Two Pitties

Thursday 19th of February 2015

Thanks for including my picture! This we can do. I'm glad you're continuing the challenge. I forgot to start hashtagging my pictures 'til the end last time!


Thursday 19th of February 2015

We might just have to turn the corner on our normal walks and hit the lions park. Or take a walk to the school. Some of these challenges might just be a D.O.G. and Aeon thing.

Thankfully, its going to be warm this weekend.... over 32 degrees!!! :-)

Lindsay Stordahl

Sunday 22nd of February 2015

Haha! A heat wave!