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Guess That Mutt – the results of Kuba’s mixed-breed DNA test

Guess That Mutt is a fun post I run every now and then where we guess the breed mix of a reader’s dog.

Our most recent “Guess That Mutt” dog was Kuba.

Some of you took some guesses on Kuba’s breed mix last week, and I have the results …

You ready?

According to Kuba’s mixed-breed dog DNA test from Wisdom Panel, he is half German shepherd and half Rottweiler/Sheltie/mixed breed.

At least, that’s how I would say it.

Is this dog a German shepherd puppy

Here is a screen shot of his results based off the test:

Mixed breed DNA test Wisdom Panel

Who guessed the closest?

I said I would be giving away a bag of dog treats from a company called Caru Pet Food to the two closest winners. (Must have a U.S. mailing address to win.)

I assumed no one would have the correct guess, because seriously, who ever does? It’s so hard!

Caru dog treats

Six people guessed German shepherd, and no one guessed Sheltie or Rottie.

So … I drew two winners from the six who guessed German shepherd.

The winners are Jackie B. and Gloria!

What did you guys think of Kuba’s results?

Caru Pet Food is providing the treats to the winners at no cost to me.

If any of you would like to enter your mutt into a future Guess That Mutt post, email a couple of photos and a brief description of your dog’s personality, weight and age to


Tuesday 10th of February 2015

What a fun post! Thank you for sharing Kuba's DNA test results. He is so cute!

Jackie Bouchard

Sunday 1st of February 2015

Dang, I was going to guess GSD and Rottie and at the last minute I changed to GSD and Dobie. Oh well - I won anyway! :) Yah! Rita's excited! Anyway, he is 100% adorable!

Lindsay Stordahl

Sunday 1st of February 2015



Saturday 31st of January 2015

Yay! When my new pup comes I'll send you a pic for you to use in your contest - thx for the treats! :-)



Saturday 31st of January 2015

I wouldn't have guessed this combination. Mutts are full of surprises, ha ha. Thanks for featuring Kuba!