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Guess That Mutt!

A reader named Hailey L. sent me these photos of her 2-year-old dog Jazz. She’s hoping you could help her guess her dog’s breeds.

She was told Jazz is a pitbull, but she believes he may also have Lab, great Dane and pointer.

Jazz the pitbull, Lab, pointer, great dane mix

What’s your guess on Jazz’s breed mix?

Take a guess, and leave your answer in the comments.

My guess: Pitbull and Lab.

What do you think?

*Send your mutt pics to for the next Guess That Mutt post. Read the last post here.

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Saturday 10th of May 2014

Yes!! That's my baby :) The reason I say Great Dane, is because of his muzzle shape, his body shape, his gait, his HUGE paws that he had to grow into, and his woof. If you'd see him in person, you'd look at his body and think he was just a shrunk Dane with lab coloring and a little bit of a pitbull face! Thanks for posting!!

Lindsay Stordahl

Saturday 10th of May 2014

I always thought my dog Ace looked like part Dane as well. It would be fun to find out for sure. I did a DNA test and it came back as half Lab, half "mixed breed."


Saturday 10th of May 2014

That is pibble mix all day long...lab is a likely addition based on the face. Pibble mixes rule!


Saturday 10th of May 2014

I also see pibble and lab. Cute dog!

Lindsay Stordahl

Saturday 10th of May 2014

I know! He's adorable.


Saturday 10th of May 2014

I agree Pit Bull and Lab, two very popular dogs who seem to fall in love with each other with great frequency.

Lindsay Stordahl

Saturday 10th of May 2014

Seems to be very true!


Saturday 10th of May 2014

I'd agree on the bit of Dane when I look at the back leg, but I'm no expert! I can definitely see lots of cute though! :)

I hope you're having a fun day,

Your pal Snoopy :)

Lindsay Stordahl

Saturday 10th of May 2014

Thanks for your guess!