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Guess That Mutt (10 photos)

Can you guess the mixes of these 10 mutts? These dogs are all my dog walking clients or former clients. Some of their breeds are known and some are unknown.

Leave your best guesses in the comments. I included the dog’s color after its number since sometimes it’s hard to remember which number goes with which dog.

If you own a mutt, send your pics to to see your dog in the next Guess That Mutt post.

Dog #1  – Sammi – tan and white
Tan and white pitbull mix

Dog #2 – Monte – cream
Tan Pomeranian American Eskimo mix

Dog #3 – Addie – red
Brown Pomeranian mix

Dog #4 – Lewis – white and black
Lewis the Lab/pointer mix

Dog #5 – Hunter – brown
Hunter the Lab mix

Dog #6 – Tucker – black and white
Tucker the black Lab mix

Dog #7 – Lucy – gray
Lucy the cairn terrier Yorkie mix

Dog #8 – Ace – black and white
Ace the black Lab mix

Dog #9 – Shogun – white
Shogun the Cockapoo

Dog #10 – Hana – white with brown
Hana the cocker spaniel Jack Russell mix

Do you have a mixed-breed dog you’d like to see featured on Guess That Mutt? Send an email to


Tuesday 31st of December 2013

2-pom mix? 3-chi mix? 5-golden/lab mix?

Lindsay Stordahl

Wednesday 1st of January 2014

I definitely see Pom in dog #2 as well.

Lindsay Stordahl

Tuesday 31st of December 2013

I also think #5 (Hunter) looks like he has some Chessie.


Tuesday 31st of December 2013

#1 Sammi - Pittie & Fox Terrier, maybe even a little hound. #2 & #3 Monte & Addie - Pomeranian mix. Monte may have some American Eskimo in him too. #4 Lewis - Pointer mix. #5 Hunter - Chessie mix. #6 Tucker - Lab and some sort of Hound mix. #7 Lucy - Cairn Terrier mix. #8 Ace - I have no idea. Just kidding! Lab and Great Dane mix. #9 Shogun - What a cute name. Lhasa Apso and or Bichon mix. #10 Hana - What a little cutie. This one really stumped me. Fox Terrier and Chihuahua mix.


Monday 30th of December 2013

#7 Lucy looks very Yorkie to me, with a bit of Cairn. I think she looks silver, but that's just me.

#1 looks like a pit with a bit of lab

#5 looks like mostly lab with a bit of GSD maybe?

Ace looks like a lab/coon dog to me but I know you did that test that said otherwise!

Lindsay Stordahl

Tuesday 31st of December 2013

Lucy's owners think she is a Yorkie/cairn mix. That makes since to me since she is a little smaller than the purebred cairns I know.


Monday 30th of December 2013

#2 - Pom/Chi ...shape of the head looks like most Chis I've seen and coat, for some reason, makes me think Pom #3 - Chi/? ...again, I see Chi in the face #4 - going with the sucker's guess of Dalmatian because of the spots ;-) #7 - {insert random terrier breeds here} Coat looks almost identical to my Schnauzer/Poodle, red around the snout, brown throughout (picture doesn't really look gray to me) but oh those ears! They stick up so I'm thinking Cairn (looks like Toto) rather than Schnauzer like mine.

Passing on the rest as to not be penalized for guessing in my own little contest. ;-)

Lindsay Stordahl

Monday 30th of December 2013

Great guesses! I know the mixes of some of these dogs, but for the rest of them your guesses are as good as mine. Dog #3 is only about 4 pounds, so she definitely has some Chi in my opinion. I believe she was sold as a chi/pom mix. Funny how you see dog #7 as brown. I've always seen her as gray, but maybe my vision is off! I'll have to ask my husband what color he thinks Lucy is. But I definitely think she is part Cairn - and she has the burrowing and killing small animal instincts!