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Dog walking challenge – day 16 #ActiveMutts

How is it going with walking your dog every day?

This 21-day challenge (details here) has really helped me stick to walking my dog every day, even on those days where I get busy or tired and just don’t want to do it.

Going for a walk is the highlight of my dog’s day. He gives me so much and is so patient with me – I owe him a daily walk.

Many of you have obviously had to deal with the weather during this challenge. There have definitely been some days around the country where it’s just not safe to be out walking. Not so for me here in sunny San Diego.

And, although I haven’t been very good at getting pictures of my dog on these walks, I’ve actually taken more than usual because of this challenge.

That Mutt dog walking challenge black Lab on beach

I’ve also really enjoyed seeing the pics the rest of you have posted.

I’m thinking about starting another “challenge” next month to keep encouraging people to be active with their mutts and sharing pictures of their adventures. I would share a collection of these photos on the blog each week.  What do you think? Would you be interested?

I shared some pics last week, but here are a few more from the last week or so:

Out for a walk

Backpack on German shepherd mix

Out for a hike with dogs

Rollerblading with your dog

I love seeing the photos of you guys out and about in various places with your dogs.

How you can win some treats from Bravo

There’s one week to go in our challenge! On Sunday I’ll be doing a drawing to give away a bag of Crunchy Delights dog treats from Bravo, which the company is providing.


To enter the drawing, simply commit to joining us on the remaining 6 days of the dog walking challenge (more details here). You just have to walk your dog every day and commit to working on a specific training goal during each walk.

Then, do one of the following:


  • Post a pic of your active mutt to That Mutt’s Facebook page
  • Email a pic of your active mutt to me at
  • Post about the challenge on Twitter using #activemutts
  • Leave a comment on any of the challenge posts such as this one


*Must have a U.S. mailing address to win the treats. Update: Congrats, Teresa!

More about Bravo

Bravo provides treats, supplements and frozen raw diets for dogs and cats.

It is a family owned company located in Connecticut, and its products are made with the highest-quality meats, poultry and fish, according to its web site.


See Bravo Pet Foods for more information.

How is the dog walking and training challenge going for you?

Rachel @ My Two Pitties

Thursday 29th of January 2015

Great work! We're in a rental house in Ventura this week & it's so close to the beach that the dogs are going several times a day. They've been exhausted. I've got to remember to # my pictures!


Thursday 29th of January 2015

Ranger and I skipped every Monday of the challenge because he goes to daycare that day and is exhausted when he comes home! I forgot about that when I set my challenge. Other than that we only skipped one day when I was sick (my husband walked him both times that day), and one day when his walk was shorter than 45 mins because I was just plain tired from working.

I would do another challenge. There were definitely some dreary weekday evenings I wanted to come home 30 minutes into the walk but kept going because I was so close to my goal.

Julia at Home on 129 Acres

Tuesday 27th of January 2015

This morning was our first morning where we didn't do the full 30 minutes. Mr. B got too cold. We still managed to practice "come" a few times in the 20 minutes we were out, and Baxter got another outing this afternoon and lots of fetch with his squeaker toys in the house tonight. I know what you mean about the walk being the highlight of your dog's day. I've found the challenge has made me more conscious of that and more intentional about spending time focused on my dog.

I would love to do another challenge. I like the walking challenge because it's simple and much needed. I'm trying to think of other ideas. Walking one new place a week? Meeting one new friend a week? Some of these might not be as easy--or as meaningful--as walking every day.


Tuesday 27th of January 2015

P.S. Love the pictures! And the idea of more challenges. It really motivates me.


Tuesday 27th of January 2015

It's going well, thanks for the motivation! Even the drizzle didn't stop us, ha ha. I introduced my puppy to the prong collar over the weekend. Slowly and gently, never had to pop the leash. First at home, getting him used to the feel and communicating what it is all about (like the trainer showed me with my foster dog). We walked in our tiny home in squished circles, worked at going in and out of the house, then practiced in the yard. Puppy was tired out and very calm. Last night we went for a test walk in the real world, didn't meet anyone because of the rain, and puppy was walking like a Canine Good Citizen. We'll get there one day. Have fun everyone!

Lindsay Stordahl

Tuesday 27th of January 2015

Oh that's good to hear!