Toy bin dispenses treats as toys are dropped
Note: This is a sponsored post.
UPDATE: The Tidy dog met its Kickstarter goal!
The Tidy Dog is a dog toy bin designed to help train dogs to pick up their toys. Great idea, right?
It is seeking $20,000 through Kickstarter to go towards production tooling and order fulfillment.
The Tidy Dog works by rewarding dogs with treats when they put their toys away, said design engineer Chris Lorkowski in the project’s Kickstarter video.
He came up with the idea to help his Cavalier King Charles spaniel Evie learn to be a little neater.
“When it’s time to clean up, I say ‘Evie, clean up!'” he said. “And she starts picking up her toys.”
He said it took her about a month to get the hang of it, and now she gets very excited when it’s time to clean up.

More about the Tidy Dog toy bin project

The Tidy Dog’s smart sensor technology detects the weight of a toy when it’s added to the bin, according to its Kickstarter page. If a toy is added, the Tidy Dog dispenses a treat. It’s able to tell the difference between a toy being dropped in the bin and a dog’s nose shuffling around.
Ever since Evie has been trained to use the bin she tends to keep her toys put away except for the one she’s playing with, Lorkowski said.
“I think she understands now that the toys are meant to stay there when she isn’t playing with them.”
If a dog removes a toy from the Tidy Dog, the bin will wait 30 seconds before the dog can place the toy back in the bin for a treat, according to Tidy Dog’s Kickstarter page. This discourages the dog from “cheating the system” and encourages her to continue cleaning up.
According to Tidy Dog, the product:

1. Holds up against “abuse” from the largest, most active dogs.
2. Is sleek and modern looking.
3. Uses smart sensor technology to prevent dogs from tricking the bin into dropping treats.
4. Is a fun and easy way to train your dog.
5. Has a long battery life and can be left on all the time.
Help Tidy Dog meet its Kickstarter goal

Tidy Dog is seeking $20,000 through Kickstarter for production tooling and order fulfillment.
Of course, there are some rewards for people who decide to back this project. For example, Tidy Dog will send dog treats to anyone who pledges $9 or more. Those who pledge $25 or more will receive a set of matching T-shirts, one shirt for the human and one for the dog.
Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing deal, so if the full $20,000 is not raised by April 8, backers will not be charged for their donations.
For more information on how to back this project, watch the Kickstarter video below or click here.
Do you think your dog could get the hang of the Tidy Dog?
*All photos and videos are from Tidy Dog.
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Wednesday 8th of November 2023
[…] अब देखिए जिनके घर में भी डॉग होते हैं, उनको खेलने के लिए खिलौने भी चाहिए होते हैं। अब ये डॉग्स भी बहुत स्मार्ट होते है अब ये क्या करते है ये खेल तो लेते है लेकिन खिलौनों को इधर उधर फेक देते हैं जिस से क्या होता है जो डॉग का ऑनर होता है उसके लिए काम बढ़ जाता है सारे खिलौनों को बापस से फिर इकट्ठा करो फिर से वापस उसी जगह रखो तो इसी प्रॉब्लम का सोल्युशन प्रोवाइड करता है यह गैजेट जिसका नाम है Tidy Dog. […]
Saturday 18th of October 2014
Thats a really cool idea. Many years ago we taught Harley to pus his toys away and he got pretty good at it. We haven't practiced in ages however so I doubt he remembers.
I'd love to try out the Tidy Dog to teach Charlie and re-teach Harley! Glad they met their Kickstarter goal!
Lenya Jones
Thursday 3rd of April 2014
I soo need this.
Saturday 29th of March 2014
Stetson is very food motivated. I think be able to "pick up" on the way the Tidy Bin worked. I wonder if I could use this as a food bowl replacement. I'm always on the look out for something to slow down Stetson's fast eating.
Lindsay Stordahl
Sunday 30th of March 2014
Yeah, that's a great idea.
Megan Folse
Saturday 29th of March 2014
I think this would be a great idea, as long as my clever dogs don't find a way to trick the bin. It's annoying having all their toys scattered around the floor.
Lindsay Stordahl
Saturday 29th of March 2014
Haha! Yeah, I hear ya!