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Lindsay’s Column: Welcome to

We have a lot of new visitors to the blog, so I wanted to welcome everyone as well as wish all readers a happy new year.

Much of the content on That Mutt will be centered around the photos you submit. You are always welcome to email your dog photos to me at We’ll have some reoccurring themes such as “Dogs Cuddling With Cats,” “Pawsitive Pitulls” and “Obedience School Dropouts.” If you have some topic ideas, don’t hesitate to let me know. This blog is a community where everyone is welcome to participate.

It’s very important to me to use my writing background to tackle more in-depth topics related to dog training, rescue or anything in the dog world so you will continue to see a column or two from me every week – probably on Wednesdays. Next week I will be posting about how “no kill” means something completely different here in California vs. in the Midwest where I’m from. will always be a place in support of adoption, and something new I’m trying is to raise money each month to sponsor the adoption fee of a shelter dog. A dog has a much greater chance at being considered for adoption if her adoption fee is close to nothing. This is one way each of you can help by spreading the word about our first sponsored dog – Gemini.

I’m excited about what 2014 will bring to this blog and its community, and I’m looking forward to hearing more about each of you and your dogs.

My own dog Ace will turn 8 in March, and he seems to be doing great. He loves his walks, fetch sessions and trips to the dog beach. He’s such an awesome dog , and we’re so lucky to have each other.

I hope you will each introduce yourselves and your dogs in the comments section. I’m happy to have you here.

-Lindsay (and Ace!)

This photo was taken over Thanksgiving when we went hiking near Mount Shasta, Calif.

My black Lab mix and I hiking

Chris Fowler

Thursday 9th of January 2014

/Users/chrisfowler/Desktop/ollie.JPG Hi Lindsay The new look of the blog is great, very easy to navigate and the pics are fun. Don't know if this jpg of Ollie will publish. He is my 'project' dog. A work in progress. He developed GDV, 'bloat' on Monday, the 6th. I was able to catch it very early, get him to the emergency vet in time for a successful outcome. GVD is a petsitters, and dog boarders nightmare. Have always been on the look out for it, never expected it to show up in one of my own dogs!. Congratulations on you new move and the new look of the blog. chris fowler

Lindsay Stordahl

Thursday 9th of January 2014

If you could email a pic sometime that would be great - Bloat is always at the back of my mind for all dogs too. I'm glad your Ollie is doing OK. Sounds scary.


Wednesday 8th of January 2014

Wow, 8 years old already? Looking good! Maya is 6 and Pierson's 2nd Gotcha Day and 3rd (apx) Birthday is the 10th of this month.

Lindsay Stordahl

Wednesday 8th of January 2014

I know! My boy is getting up there! :) Maya too, but both your dogs look great!


Wednesday 8th of January 2014

Ace is certainly a handsome boy. I love your blog!

Lindsay Stordahl

Wednesday 8th of January 2014

So glad you enjoy the blog!