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Why I created the 2014 Mutt Calendar

The mixed-breed dog calendar

About a year ago I decided to take on the challenge of creating the first official mixed-breed dog calendar. It was actually my mom’s idea (she’s smart). She always wanted to buy me a mutt calendar for Christmas, but she could only find calendars featuring purebred dogs and designer “breeds.”

And so I took on this project, and it was quite the undertaking. I wasn’t sure if it would work out. Would anyone really want a mutt calendar? Would anyone submit any photos to my calendar contest?

I found out the answers – yes and yes. Most people love mutts. Most dogs in America are mutts, and dog lovers enjoy hanging pictures of dogs on their walls.

I liked the idea of creating a calendar with photos of my readers’ dogs, and I liked that the calendar was open to all types of dogs – yes, even purebreds. I also wanted a way to raise money for dogs in need, so I’m donating 10 percent of all sales to the Nevada Humane Society, a no-kill shelter.

And so, I encourage you to order a calendar if:

  • You want to give a calendar as a gift and you like to support small, independent businesses.
  • You enjoy reading my blog, which is available for free, and you would like a way to pay me for my work.
  • You appreciate mutts and feel they need more recognition. After all, mutts are the majority.

I’m excited to head into the crazy holiday shopping season. The Mutt Calendar will make a nice gift for a lot of people, plus it’s one most can afford.

If you would like to order a mutt calendar, the cost is $7.99. Payments are handled through PayPal, but you don’t have to have a PayPal account to order.

I’ve been giving away lots of calendars on the blog and through Facebook this mouth. It’s been a fun project so far, and I’ll be writing more about the calendars and other mutt topics as we wrap up the year.

Let’s celebrate those mutts!

Why I created the 2014 mutt calendar


Tuesday 26th of November 2013

I just got my That Mutt calendar and it's PAWSOME!

Lindsay Stordahl

Wednesday 27th of November 2013

Good to hear! :)


Monday 25th of November 2013

Clever project. I love your braids.

Lindsay Stordahl

Monday 25th of November 2013

Thanks Betty :)


Monday 25th of November 2013

I love this idea.

Lindsay Stordahl

Monday 25th of November 2013


Alfie - Alfie's Blog

Monday 25th of November 2013

Roooo every dog deserves a calendar of their own & I will share your mutt calendar on my Pinterest wall so all my mutt buddies can see it! *waggy tail*

I made my own calendar for my breed, the Entlebucher Mountain Dogs, using my favourite photos of my Entle friends and family it was an awful lot of fun putting it together.

Lindsay Stordahl

Monday 25th of November 2013

Yes, I saw you made a cute calendar and lots of other Entlebucher Mountain Dog products. I'll share your calendar on Pinterest as well.