When someone volunteers to foster a dog, one of her first questions is always going to be, “Does this dog get along with other dogs?”
Sometimes the answer to this question isn’t known because the dog hasn’t been given the chance to interact with other dogs under appropriate settings.
The problem is, when a dog is taken from a pound environment or a shelter environment, he is going to be stressed and full of pent-up physical, emotional and mental energy. If you remove him from this environment and place him directly in front of another dog, there is a pretty good chance there will be at least some growling from one or both dogs. Adding tense leashes and tense people to the situation is a sure set-up for failure!
But this is exactly how most dogs in need of foster homes meet other dogs!
Since I’ve had my fair share of foster animals and other four-legged guests at our house, I’ve learned that it’s always best to take introductions very slowly. For most dogs, there is not a black-and-white answer to the question of “Does he get along with other dogs?” It just depends on the energy of each situation.
So what can a volunteer do if she is thinking about fostering a dog? Here are some suggestions.
How to introduce my foster dog to my own dog

1. Get as much info as you can about the potential foster dog.
The first step is to get some feedback from the people who have interacted with the potential foster dog the most. Does he growl at other dogs near his pen? What does he do when he sees other dogs during walks? Has he had the chance to walk with or play with other dogs in a controlled setting? How has he done at adoption events? Has he lived with other dogs before?
You also want to consider a dog that is going to compliment the energy and personality of your own dog. For example, my dog is pretty laid back, so he doesn’t like when I bring home a hyper, young dog. He prefers to hang out with more mellow, older dogs.
2. Take the potential foster dog for a walk before you decide to bring him home.
Take some time to get to know the dog you are interested in fostering by going for a long walk. Make sure to observe how he interacts with other dogs you happen to pass.
This initial walk will give the two of you a chance to begin forming a bond without the distraction of your other animals. Since dogs are so scent oriented, the potential foster dog will smell your animals on you and begin to associate them with you. When you get home, your animals will smell the potential foster dog as well. Just think of yourself as the messenger. Who knows what kinds of info dogs learn by smelling another dog on a human, but clearly they must learn something!
3. Take the potential foster dog and your own dog for several walks together.
Bring a friend along to handle one of the dogs. There’s no need to let the dogs sniff one another right away. Do your best to avoid head-on greetings or prolonged eye contact between the dogs. Wait outside with your own dog while someone brings the potential foster dog out. Don’t have them meet in a small, crowded room.
Walk the dogs side-by-side and then one in front of the other so they can get used to walking as a pack. They can smell one another from a distance just fine. If all goes well, let them interact a bit at the end of the walk. The walk doesn’t have to be very long. Even 10 minutes or so would be fine. Obviously, the longer the better. Walk for a half-hour or more if you can.
Return and repeat this walking step two or three more times before bringing the potential foster dog home. Doing so will help the dogs associate something positive with each other – fun walks!
4. Use a baby gate to create non-stressful separation between the dogs.
When you do decide to bring the foster dog home, don’t put both dogs loose in your car together. Take your dog home first or put them both in kennels if there’s room. Or have your friend take one of the dogs in her car.
Once you get home, this is a great time to take both dogs for another long walk with the help of a friend. I’m talking about a good 45-minute walk or longer. Bring home your foster dog on a weekend or during a time when you will have at least two full days off from work.
After the walk, put the foster dog in a bedroom or other small area with the door open and a baby gate as a barrier. Kennels and closed doors often create frustration and anxiety, but a gate will allow the dogs to interact safely.
The gate will allow your resident pets to approach the foster dog, but it will allow for some safety if one of the dogs decides to snap. Of course, make sure to supervise and distract either or both dogs if there is any tension such as raised hackles, staring or frozen body positions.
The baby gate is also a safe way to let resident cats remain free, but once again, you want to make sure to supervise just in case the foster is able to jump the gate or knock it down. And extra curious and brave cats will not hesitate to jump right over the gate to greet the newcomer. So use common sense.
5. Let the foster dog roam around with his leash on.
If all goes well after a day or two of the gate stage, it’s OK to let the dogs interact without the gate, but keep the foster dog on a leash. You do not want the foster dog running all over the house exploring and sniffing every corner, claiming everything. For one, this is an open invitation for accidents or marking. But it’s also going to increase the energy levels of all the animals and could lead to a fight.
I usually keep the foster dog “tethered” to me for at least a day until I know more about the dog. Is he housebroken? Does he mark in the house? Is he OK with my cats? Possessive over toys? The leash is usually around my waist or ankle or looped under a nearby chair or table.
6. Let the dogs interact without leashes.
After a day or two of interacting with leashes on, give the dogs some supervised time together off leash. I still would not give the foster dog full freedom of the house for a few more days. Freedom is a privilege. You may want to use the baby gate again to block the stairway so the foster dog can’t get upstairs. At the very least, keep all your bedroom doors closed. It should be a privilege to enter certain areas of the house. For example, don’t allow the foster dog on your bed quite yet (if ever!).
7. Continue to use common sense and keep your cat’s safety in mind, too.
Always keep the foster dog confined to a single room or a kennel when you are not home. This is for the safety of all animals. Keep two barriers between the dogs such as a kennel and a closed door because it is fairly common for a dog to bust out of his kennel. I’ve had several pitbull-type dogs use their big heads to push or bend the kennel doors open within seconds. Impressive, I know! This could be a very dangerous situation if the two dogs do not get along.
If you have cats, you should have three barriers between them and the foster dog. For example, put the cats in one bedroom with the door closed and put the foster dog in his kennel in another bedroom with the door closed. My first foster dog busted out of her kennel and proceeded to tear apart my bedroom door frame. My cat was loose in my apartment on the other side of that door. Luckily, this dog was friendly and had no intention of hurting my cat. But that is not always the case, and I’ve heard some very sad stories. Fostering teaches some hard lessons sometimes.
8. Go back to previous steps, if needed.
If there are any problems during any of these steps, revert back to the previous steps. This should help set your foster dog up for success at your house and a “good with other dogs” status on his adoption profile.
Make sure you are relaxed when interacting with the dogs. If you are tense and worried about a fight all the time, that will not help the dogs relax. Keep the dogs well exercised and calm, and chances are everything will go just fine. Pretty soon your foster dog and your own dog will be napping on the couch together.
9. Take it slowly with every new dog the foster dog meets.
Just because the foster dog gets along with your dog doesn’t mean he will get along with all dogs. Every situation is different. It’s always better to take it slowly and set the dogs up for success rather than rush these kinds of interactions.
10. Take precautions if a dogfight does occur.
If a small scuffle or a full-on fight does happen, try not to freak out. These things happen. Usually a loud “Hey!” will stop the fight immediately so you can re-gain control. Never throw yourself between the two dogs or try to pull them apart with your hands. Never bend down and put your face at their level. Instead, use something else to get their attention. Try throwing a blanket over one of the dogs, squeaking a loud toy or even throwing water on them. A strong voice correction has always done the trick for me, but this won’t be the case for all dogs.
11. Remember, there are always more dogs to foster.
If this particular fostering situation doesn’t seem to be working out, no worries. Every foster dog will not work out in your home. We all have to return a foster dog at some point. Take comfort in knowing there are plenty of other dogs that need foster homes.
The shelter or rescue group should be willing to work with you to find the best match for you and your own pets. The dog will likely go to another foster home or back to the shelter. That’s OK. You gave it a shot. The more you foster, the more you will understand which types of dogs will work out at your house.
Thank you for giving fostering a try!
For those of you who have fostered dogs before, what tips do you have for introducing a foster dog to your own dog?
This beauty is Vixen, a dog we fostered back in January of 2009. She was adopted quickly, after just two weeks. She and Ace got along for the most part, but every now and then we had a few scuffles.
Marilyn Koehler
Monday 2nd of April 2018
I too have fostered for a while. I have one now that all dogs seem to hate. He really doesn't do anything wrong, yet my 2 dogs and even other dogs growl and snap when he comes near. He is a senior and may be deaf. This is the only foster I have had that I may have to return. So sad because this guy really needs a home. Not sure what to do to stop the confrontations. Tried a squirt bottle, yelling, time out etc. He has only been here 4 days be feels like 4 years.
Lindsay Stordahl
Monday 2nd of April 2018
Hopefully it will get better in a few days! But yeah, I have also been in that difficult spot of having to return a foster dog. Some just aren't a good fit.
Saturday 21st of February 2015
I see that this is an old post, but I'm hoping that there will still be an alert to my comment. I have been a foster parent for a little over three years, and I have fostered a couple dozen dogs. My five year old male has usually been okay with new dogs coming into pur home. We added a second, female dog around the same age. As my male matured, but also around the same time we adopted our female (when he was almost 3) we saw a change in his personality. Where he was very happy go lucky woth other dogs, and seemed to put up with anything, he started to have very defined limits, and would correct dogs who went beyond those limits. Usually it is a personal space thing. He doesn't like dogs to be in his face if he doesn't know them. He doesn't like dogs who he doesn't know to run up to him. He doesn't let other dogs mount him. If his correction doesn't work, I do something about what the other dog is doing bc I feel that these are reasonable limits for him to set. However... we are now fostering a dog who is, as far as I can see, not doing anything wrong... but he snaps at her when she tries to calmly gently sniff him. They can be in the same room, but he avoids her. The other dog also avoids the foster, but this is more in her nature. My male dog used to play with the foster girl, but they would end up both growling at each other then avoiding. Now though, it seems like foster girl is okay, but my male just doesn't want to interact with her, and if by chance she gets close enough to interact... air snaps.
Is it normal that he just does not like this girl for no reason that I can see... or do I need to take a closer look at his behavior and figure out what I did to cause this?
Lindsay Stordahl
Sunday 22nd of February 2015
Hi Bree. Your male sounds a lot like my dog Ace. We are actually fostering a 10-month old Lab mix female right now, and my dog Ace is a 9-year old male. He totally ignores the foster dog, and he will snap at her sometimes if she goes and tries to sit by him, if she sniffs his face and especially if she runs up to him with a lot of energy.
I'm not really sure what to do either, except I try to distract the foster dog before my dog curls his lip. I also try to praise my dog whenever he allows the foster dog to sit by him or sniff him. I also try to be fun and positive and give them treats while I sit between them, trying to show him she is fun and that he gets rewards around her.
I think some dogs just don't like the energy of other dogs but they might come around with time or at least learn to put up with the other dog. I noticed Ace is getting more comfortable now that we've had our foster dog for about 3 weeks.
Do you notice your dog's behavior around other new dogs lately or is it mostly just with the foster dog? My dog Ace is still his usual friendly self around other new dogs we meet out and about at the dog park, on walks, etc.
Hopefully that helps you brainstorm a bit at least!
Saturday 26th of May 2012
HI. I was just wondering what type of dog Vixen is? She looks just like our dog who is a pitbull mix, but we are trying to determine what he is mixed with...if you could let me know what Vixen is, I would really appreciate it. Thanks. She is adorable! Best, Kristin
Lindsay Stordahl
Sunday 27th of May 2012
We called Vixen a pitbull. She could've been some kind of mix. Seemed like mostly pitbull as in American pit bull terrier. Good lucking girl!
Lindsay Stordahl
Thursday 17th of November 2011
You're right, sometimes walking them together is just not an option. I work with a foster-based rescue, but when the dogs don't have foster homes they stay at a boarding kennel. Those are the dogs I think about fostering since I am able to go and meet them first, several times if needed. I've fostered dogs directly from the pound before without knowing anything about them and luckily they got along fine with my dog.
Lisa A.
Wednesday 16th of November 2011
Thank you for such an informative post. We have been trying to foster for more than a month now and the few dogs that we have tried out didn't work out. It seems that walking the dogs on multiple occasions prior to bringing them home is a good idea. However, it is pretty much impossible with rescues that do not have shelter and are foster based.